Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The billions Rupiah Seaport Landing Fish Likes Suspended Animated

Seaport Landing Fish (Pelabuhan Pendaratan Ikan PPI) Gebang Mekar, Kecamatan Gebang, Kabupaten Cirebon likes suspended animation. This facility for landing and fish tender worth billion rupiah is quiet from fishing activities, but that was over than two year of completions.
The existence of the port is also not optimal utilization. Until now seems in limbo because the construction wasn't resumed.
From the observation "PRLM" Monday (5/10), despite two years of existence, the atmosphere at PPI was built by DInas Perikanan Jawa Barat is still quiet. Rare of fishing boat who load and unload at auction floor.
The construction was also impressed halves. The reason is, it's physical infrastructure has been built like a fish auction place and the port, but the amenities are minimal, such as water facilities and road.
In addition, small fishing boat can't dock. Thus, the port in Gerbang not provide facility for landing the small and traditional fishing boat.
Chairman of Koperasi Mina Bumi Bahari Gebang, H. Dade Mustofa Effendi, B.Sc said, PPI Gerbang Mekar likes suspended animation because abandoned. And fishermans are hoping the presence of PPI can replace TPI Gebang Mekar who no is not longer use.
The old TPI Gebang now is in middle of village. That's why fishemans is hoping for the existence of PPI who have the TPI facility. Unfornately abandoned. Not clear, when the construction is finish," said he.


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